
Operation Framework for Electricity Balancing Market Based on Market Entity’s Participating Modes




The increasing penetration of renewable energy poses operational challenges for power systems due to the uncertainty of renewable generation. This has driven the development of electricity balancing markets to help integrate renewable generation while maintaining reliability. We investigate how a power system can reliably and cost-effectively meet end user demand by implementing a real-time balancing market. We consider a market operated by a system operator and multiple market participants. To satisfy demand requirements, market participants submit day-ahead bids, and the system operator decides the imbalance penalty based on the total imbalance of all market participants. We examine the existence, uniqueness, effectiveness, and robustness of the equilibrium that arises from the strategic interactions between participants in this market. We extend the framework to accommodate varying risk preferences by categorizing market participants as either risk-neutral or risk-averse. We also evaluate the concept of a decentralized market that seeks to trade off between participant autonomy and overall efficiency.



崔竞时,毕业于清华大学交叉信息研究院,获计算机科学与技术工学博士学位,博士期间曾在ETH Zurich访学。于20237月加入南京大学工程管理学院,研究方向为综合运用机器学习、优化模型等解决电力系统与电力市场中的相关问题。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目等。研究成果发表在IEEE Transactions on Power SystemsIEEE Transactions on Sustainable EnergyApplied Energy等期刊,以及ACM UbiComp-ISWCIEEE PESGMIEEE ISGT等会议。担任IEEE SmartGridComm 20222023TPC member